Sunday, March 21, 2010

Launching the 'yak & an Easter Egg Hunt at Victory Park

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We spent the morning launching the yak on this gorgeous 70 degree day. Then we decided to hit Victory Park in Rumson for the annual easter egg hunt.
There must have been 200 kiddies there so having an egg collecting strategy was important!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Visiting Aunt Bean!


James spent his second birthday in the great city of Philadelphia.
After Kyle's confirmation party, we drove downtown to visit Aunt Bean.
The boys loved her new apartment in center city with the most gorgeous views.
William especially loved watching the trains come into the station.
Grandmom & Pop-Pop whisked the boys away to Medford so daddy and mommy could spend the night out
on the town. We'll celebrate Jamesy's birthday NEXT weekend;-)
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