Friday, August 22, 2008

A lazy Friday at Victory Park

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Horsin' Around

Aunt Bean (James' Godmother) sent the boys these cozy towels...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Welcome to the World Baby CJ!

We met our baby cousin today and we are sure excited to have another little buddy in the family. Uncle KP is especially happy to have a little boy to share his many hobbies with - I see many days ahead of fishing, golfing, baseball card and wine collecting, painting....and the list goes on.
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Truro Visit


We had so much fun on the Cape last week - and took lots of pictures - so instead of downloading each, you can enlarge any of these pictures by clicking on them. The boys were entertained by the whole gang....grandma, grandpa, aunt chris, uncle bob, grandmom and the aunties, the O'Brien clan, and Olivia & Harry made for a fun filled week.
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Sunday, August 3, 2008

Storybook Land!




Mommy hasn't been to Storybook land in 30 years, and wow how it's changed. William & James were fascinated with the many characters and rides. William especially loved "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf" and "The Three Little Bears." He drove a car all by himself and rode the hot air balloon ride (as well as many others.) We can't wait to come back at Christmas time!

On the beach

Learning to Surf with Pop Pop
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Grandmom & James
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Aunt Jo Jo
Aunt Cha Cha
Uncle TouchDown
Uncle Paul
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